So much work…

Being someone who strives to embrace his creative side, and not allow it to lie dormant, is both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand it’s so much fun and so satisfying, and on the other hand…it’s SO much work.

As an indie artist, every aspect of you are working on falls on you. I don’t think there’s a hat rack big enough to handle all the head gear we have to don in order to share a part of us that may or may not go unheard or unseen. Musician, singer, songwriter, recording engineer, producer, mixer, graphic designer, webpage creator, social media manager, writer, etc…the list goes on and on.

Recently I’ve stepped back and taken a look at what all I’m working on, and honestly it can get really overwhelming. And some days the thought of going into the studio, firing everything up, and getting to work is the very last thing I want to do. Sitting on the couch and spacing out while aimlessly flipping TV channels seems like the easiest thing to do…and it is. But what about the nagging voice in the back of my head saying, “Get off your lazy butt and get to work!”? Sure, you can ignore it but the price is heavy. That spark inside that wants to express itself grows ever dim, and that’s not something I care to experience.

So what do we do?

What has worked for me recently is to not think about ALL the things that I want to accomplish, but rather just focus on one small thing and do it…every day. Today I realized that over the last couple of weeks, I have redesigned my website, created content, and got it all up and running. All by doing one little thing every day…it all adds up and I feel good about it.

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